Quality accounts

Each year, NHS trusts like ours publish our quality account. 

In our quality account, we:

  • review last year’s quality priorities
  • set ourselves new quality priorities for the coming year.

Quality account 2023 to 2024[pdf] 1MB

Our quality priorities for the coming year

Our priorities for next year are:

Priority 1

Implementation of the ‘Timely Care Hub’ quality board across the trust. (Safe and Effective). The purpose of the timely care hub is to provide visibility to the clinical staff on the wards the key quality and safety risks and actions for completion, such as falls risk assessment, VTE and nutrition screening.

Priority 2

Rollout of the Purpose – T risk assessment (current tool waterlow), and to embed the skin tone assessment tool, and measurement methodology across the trust (Safe and Caring). Purpose – T and the skin tone assessment tools, are evidence based national tools for staff to use to assess patients skin condition and to improve skin care across the trust.

Priority 3

Enhancing Outpatient Services: Optimising Information and Communication for Patient Care (Caring and Responsive). This is due to an increase and change in activity, and the themes from formal complaints and PALS.

Priority 4

Reduce harm to patients and improve safety outcomes associated with invasive procedures with Natssips and Locssips (Safe). Natssips and Locssips provide guidance and safety steps for invasive procedures across the trust.