Due to a website error, we may not have recieved your self-referral if you sent it between 10 April and 25 April. If you haven't heard from us in around seven days, please email us at LNWH-tr.antenatal bookings@nhs.net or call 020 8869 5252. We're sorry for the inconvenience.

Where to give birth

Choosing where to give birth is one of your biggest decisions. It entirely depends on your preference, and your (and your baby’s) health during the last nine months.

You can choose to have your baby at home, or at Northwick Park Hospital.

Home birth

Giving birth at home will help you feel comfortable in your own environment.

Supported by a midwife, a home birth is a good option if you're on the low-risk pathway pregnancy, particularly if you've had a baby before.

First, speak to your midwife at your next antenatal appointment to discuss the benefits risks of a home birth.

At 36 weeks your midwife will visit your home to make sure you’ve got a safe environment in which to give birth.

Your pain relief options for a home birth

  • Entonox, otherwise known as gas and air
  • a bath or inflated pool can help reduce the pressure on your body
  • alternative therapies such as aromatherapy or hypnotherapy (which you’ll need to supply)

What to expect during your home birth

Your midwife will monitor your baby’s heart beat every 15 minutes with a listening horn, called a pinard, and Doppler device. This is called intermittent monitoring.

Every pregnancy is different, so you may plan for a home birth but due to you or your baby’s needs you may need to come to hospital.

Edith ward is closed for refurbishments

We’ve temporarily closed our birth centre, Edith ward, while we make some improvements.

In the meantime, we’re providing birth centre options with birthing pools in our delivery suite. Ask our team for more details.

Delivery suite (labour ward)

In our delivery suite, your birth is supported by our team of doctors and midwives.

With 11 spacious birthing rooms (all with en-suite bathrooms), eight specialist beds, and two maternity theatres, we provide all levels of care during labour and birth.

It’s the safest place to be if you’re likely to have complications during labour, or if you’ve had difficulties during previous births.

Your pain relief options in the delivery suite

  • warm showers
  • Entonox, or gas and air
  • pethidine injection, an opioid, helps you to relax and sleep between contractions
  • epidural

Tour our maternity deparment

Explore your options

You can explore your options with your midwife or consultant and your family. In most cases we’ll encourage you to choose whatever feels right to you.

Read more about your choices at North West London CCG.