Freedom of Information (FOI)

The Freedom of Information Act (2000) allows anyone to request access to information that we hold.

Once we receive a request, we have 20 working days to respond, unless an exemption applies.

Requesting information about our organisation

If you’ve searched our disclosure log and publication scheme, and you haven’t been able to find the information you’re looking for, you can submit a request.

FOI officer
London North West Healthcare NHS Trust
Northwick Park Hospital, P Block, Watford Road

You cannot request access to your medical records through this route.


Usually, we will provide information free-of-charge. However, depending on the complexity of information, or the time it takes us to gather the information, you may be charged a fee. We calculate the costs in line with Appropriate Limit and Fees Regulations 2004.

If we think it will take longer than 18 hours of work time (at a rate of £25 per hour - £450), we may turn down your request.

Of course, we’ll let you know as soon as possible if there’s a fee attached to your request. You can either amend your request, or stop the request.


Certain information is exempt from disclosure, including:

  • information covered by the Data Protection Act (2018), including personal information such as employee or medical records (you can make a subject access request instead)
  • information that may cause harm
  • information that is commercially sensitive or has been provided in confidence
  • information that is scheduled to be published at a later date

Appealing a decision

If we refuse to give you information that you think you’re entitled to, your first step is to write to our Chief Executive. Remember to include your original request.

Chief Executive’s Office
Northwick Park Hospital
Watford Road

If our Chief Executive rejects your request, you can appeal to the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO).

Write to:

Information Commissioner
Wycliffe House
Water Lane

Or call 01625 545 700.