Northwick Park Hospital
Northwick Park Hospital
020 8864 3232
Watford Road
Car parks
If you’re using our car parks, remember that our staff will never ask you for your payment details.
If you’re approached by someone claiming to be a security guard or a car park staff member, feel free to ask them for their identification.
All parking areas are signposted from the hospital ring road. Remember to keep to the speed limit of 10mph.
Our car parking office is on Level 1 of the multi-storey car park by the designated disabled parking area. We’re open 24 hours a day.
Our multi-storey car park does not have a pay by phone service, so you’ll need to pay for your parking at the ticket machines before leaving.
Find the ticket machines on the ground floor level of the multi-storey car park, on the left of the main entrance.
Blue badge parking
If you’re a blue badge holder, you can park for up to six hours for free in the designated bays in car parks.
Disabled parking spaces in the multi-storey car park are on level 1. Drive up the road towards the main entrance, and follow the road to your right.
Remember, the usual charges apply when parking in non-designated bays. Need help finding a place to park? Call the parking office on 020 8869 3803.
Go by peddle power. We’ve got bike stands at:
- ground level of the multi-storey car park (car park 1)
- main hospital entrance
- maternity entrance
- Medical Education Centre entrance
- St. Mark's hospital entrance (car park 4)
Free Wi-Fi
Free Wi-Fi
Look for NHS Wi-Fi on your devices and register for free unlimited access.
Costa Coffee
- hot and cold snacks and drinks
- located in The Square, off main corridor, level 4, Northwick Park Hospital
- open Monday to Friday, 6.30am to 8.30pm, and weekends 7am to 8.30pm
St. Mark's tea bar
- hot and cold snacks and drinks
- located on level 3 of St. Mark's Hospital
- open Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, 7.30am to 3pm
Pulse Finders
- hot and cold beverages and snacks
- located in physiotherapy outpatient department, off corridor leading to maternity block, level 4 of Northwick Park Hospital
- open Monday to Friday, 8am to 3.30pm
Run by a charity organisation, Pulse Finders Heart Support Group. Money raised is distributed among the cardiology services for medical equipment.
- sandwiches and salads including hot and cold drinks
- located within The Wellspring restaurant, off the main corridor on level 4 of Northwick Park Hospital
- open Monday to Friday 11am to 9pm and Saturday and Sunday from 12noon to 6pm
The Wellspring restaurant
- hot and cold snacks and drinks
- located off the main corridor on level 4, next to WHSmiths, Northwick Park Hospital
- open Monday to Friday from 7am to 4pm and Saturday and Sunday 7am to 3pm
Vending machines can be found in the A&E reception area
Bliss dry cleaners
- dry cleaning and laundry service, mobile accessories, repairs and mobile top-ups
- located off main corridor next to Wellspring Restaurant, level 4, Northwick Park Hospital
- open Monday to Friday, 8am to 4pm
The Cutting Room
- female hairdressers
- located in The Square, off main corridor, level 4, Northwick Park Hospital
- open Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday, 9.30am to 7pm and Wednesday, 9.30am to 5.30pm, Saturdays appointments only
The Friends Shop
- sells a variety of occasion cards, soft toys, baby clothes, small gifts
- located in The Square, off main corridor, level 4, Northwick Park Hospital
- open Monday to Friday, 9.30am-5.30pm
Run by the Northwick Park Hospital League of Friends. Money raised from the profits helps to fund many clinical service projects. The charity also invite a variety of market stall traders from bags and purses to jewellery and clothes.
M&S Simply Food
- located off the main corridor, level 4, next to The Wellspring restaurant, Northwick Park Hospital
- open Monday to Saturday, 7am to 9.30pm and Sunday, 8am to 9pm
- located off the main corridor, level 4, Northwick Park Hospital
- open Monday to Friday, 7am to 9pm and 9am to 7pm weekends
Religious services at Northwick Park Hospital
The Chapel
- located off the main corridor of Northwick Park Hospital, next to the X-ray department
- open 8am to 8pm daily, out of hours access is available on request
- Roman Catholic mass at 3.30pm on Sundays, please check noticeboard for next service dates
- a Hindu prayer service is held on Wednesdays at 1.10pm to 1.30pm
Prayer room
- located opposite the physiotherapy department from the main corridor of Northwick Park Hospital
- open 8am to 8pm daily, check noticeboard for Friday prayers
- keypad access
Other facilities
Cash machine
Located in the main reception area of Northwick Park Hospital, check before use as fees may apply
Free phone for taxi
Use our free phone located in the main reception area of Northwick Park Hospital to call a local taxi company.
Infant feeding
You are welcome to feed your baby wherever you are in our hospitals. If you’d prefer a more private area to breastfeed we have a feeding area in our antenatal clinic on level 4 of the maternity block, Northwick Park Hospital and a baby changing table in the public toilets on the same level outside the Delivery suite.
Post boxes
- behind main reception of Northwick Park Hospital, collections Monday to Friday, 11am and 3.35pm
- hospital ring road, opposite car park 3, collections Monday to Friday, 5.30pm and Saturday 11.45am
Ward directory search
Wards at Northwick Park Hospital