Same sex accommodation
We aim to accommodate all patients in same sex accommodation where possible. We will aim to assign accommodation based on gender identity and presentation.
Information for patients who are transgender, intersex, or non-binary
We want to make sure that everyone can access our services without discrimination or harassment from other patients, members of the public, or staff.
As part of our Privacy, dignity and respect policy and Gender recognition protocol, we welcome all transgender patients.
We endeavour to fully comply with the Gender Recognition Act (2004) and the Equality Act (2010).
If your gender identity is different from your biological sex assigned at birth, we will record your consent about:
- how we hold your medical records
- who we can share your records with (for example your GP)
- under what circumstances we can share your records
If you have a Gender Recognition Certificate, we will ensure a copy is filed in your notes if you would like it to be.
Read more about consent and privacy in our privacy statement