Bowel cancer screening programme

Information on the bowel cancer screening services at St. Mark's Hospital.

Telephone number: 020 8869 3543
Location: Bowel cancer screening centre, St. Mark's Hospital
Division: St. Mark's
General manager: Sarah Marshall

About bowel cancer screening

Our bowel cancer screening team provide the NHS National Bowel Cancer Screening Programme for residents of Brent, Harrow, Hillingdon and north Ealing.

Read more about bowel cancer screening at including:

  • who will be sent a home testing kit
  • how to use your test kit
  • what happens after you've taken your test

Alternatively, call the free bowel cancer screening helpline on 0800 707 6060.

Bowel scope screening

The national screening programme no longer offers routine bowel scope screening.

A bowel scope is when a healthcare professional uses a tube with a camera to look inside your bowel.

Instead, the national screening programme is offering more people a home test.

Bowel cancer screening research

Our bowel cancer screening service works with UCL Behavioural Science Department on numerous research projects.