Other referral pathways

Some of our services and clinics accept referrals from non-GP referrers, teaching professionals, or parents or guardians. Some services accept paper referrals for clinically urgent cases only.

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How to make a referral to genetics

To make a referral:

Urgent referrals should be clearly marked as urgent and referrals must include your patient's:

  • full name
  • address
  • date of birth
  • NHS number
  • GP details
  • reason for being referred to the genetics clinic.

Please include as much information as possible about the specific condition or suspected condition in the family. Sometimes another family member of your patient might have a confirmed genetic diagnosis. If this is the case, please include the following wherever possible:

  • a specific diagnosis 
  • relevant test reports
  • the exact biological relationship between the affected individual and the person being referred eg half-sister (same mother).