Beep beep... It's Mr Fix It | Latest news

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Biomedicall engineer Ibrahim Sayid points to a machine which he has recently repaired

Beep beep... It's Mr Fix It

If it isn’t bleeping or flashing it’s time to call Senior Biomedical Engineer Ibrahim Sayid whose team is responsible for maintaining and repairing more than 20,000 pieces of trust equipment with the help of contractors.

Ibrahim and his colleagues manage everything from patient monitors, incubators and ventilators to infusion devices and filtration machines.

Some problems are easier to solve than others, such as forgetting to put the plug in, switching a monitor on, or charging a battery.

“I wish they were all that easy,” says the former aviation engineer who spent many years keeping passengers safe in the sky.

His biggest challenge in recent months has been maintaining intensive care equipment during the first wave of the pandemic.

Ibrahim added: “Critical care machines are complicated pieces of equipment so we carefully follow manufacturer’s guidance when maintaining them.

“These devices were constantly in use during the peak of Covid-19. These machines keep people alive so there’s that added bit of pressure.”

Faulty equipment usually finds its way to the EBME workshop but Ibrahim and his colleagues are often called to the wards if something stops working.

“I’ve always enjoyed engineering. It looks complicated but the solution is logical if you know what you are doing.”


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